Saturday, February 4, 2012

New seasion new Resort!!

It was been a wile sense I have blogged last. I have moved to the north end of the lake this winter and am working as patrol 2 at Tahoe Donner. This winter has been a real doosey when it come to snow, the resort I work for has had skiing for a little more the a week now. We are farming snow form the parking lots and the resort staff is giving it their all to make this winter happen. The snow quality is surprisingly good considering the lack of snow.

I am having a Superbowl BBQ on sun at the ski patrol shack go Patriots!!!!!
See you on the hill think snow,

p.s. enjoy the skiing video witch is linked to you tube and photos

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lyndon State College Hosts Mass Casualty Drill

To: Caledonian-Record, Burlington Free Press, TV News 7, The Critic

Subject: Lyndon State College Hosts Mass Casualty Drill.

Lyndon State College News Release


May 4, 2010

Lyndon State College Hosts Mass Casualty Drill

Lyndonville, Vermont. - It was Friday afternoon when Lyndon State College Health Services reported 12 students sick with possible food poisoning. Within a couple of hours there were hundreds of sick students. The college called in multiple agencies to assist with the situation and classes were canceled. This was the disaster drill that Lyndon State College held in conjunction with Lyndon Rescue, Calex Ambulance and other agencies.

The disaster drill is an annual event organized by the college. This year there were several agencies and a number of classes from the college involved with the drill. The classes that attended were being taught by Professors Dan Williams and Peggy Sherrer. These classes covered how to respond to disasters in human services, as journalists, and public relations professionals. This drill was the capstone for these classes offering students experience in a simulated disaster. The agencies from outside the college that were present included Calex Ambulance, Lyndon Rescue, American Red Cross and Home Land Security. There were also agencies that were involved in an advisory role but were not on scene [in a real disaster they would have stepped in]. These agencies include Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont State Police, Northern Vermont Regional Hospital and the Vermont State Colleges Office, etc. All of these agencies worked together to provide the best care for the patients during this incident. The college provided the updated information as it became available to staff, students, parents and members of the surrounding communities.

The purpose of this drill is to give students, staff, rescue organizations and the college administration an opportunity to practice their emergency action plan skills in real life scenarios. There were students working on the public relations end, reporting on the event and the impact on the public. This exercise is a good way to prepare the college community to respond to mass casualties and other emergency situations. This is also an excellent opportunity for local rescue agencies to practice their skills and for meeting state requirements for training and education. For more information contact:

Susan C. Gallagher



Climbing to New Heights with Lyndon State College

Tile: Climbing to New Heights with Lyndon State College
Client: Rock combing 3 class
Length: 30 seconds
Air dates: May 5- November 5 2010

Video 1- Rock climbing 3 class rock climbing (:04)

Still 1- Rock climbing 3 belaying and ground work (:03)

Video 2- Rock climbing 3 lead rock climbing (:03)

Video 3- Rock climbing 3 hike in and setup (:05)

Still 2- Rock climbing 3 belaying and smiling (:04)

Video 4- Rock climbing 3 lead climbing (:05)

Still 3- top of climb (:03)

Still 3- top of climb, with course number and Lyndon state college logo (:03)

Earthy music playing in background

Climb to new heights with Rock climbing 3.

A Lyndon State College skills course

Experience 4 days of adventure recreation

And experience the North East Kingdom though its climbing culture

Perfect your climbing skill now and sign up for MRM1132.
For more information contact

Experience it with Lyndon State College

Monday, April 26, 2010

Avalanche Level 1 Class

Title: Avalanche Level 1 Class
Sponsor: Lyndon State College Mountain Recreation Department
Length: 30 seconds
Air Dates: April 30- September 10

AFX: People skiing

ANNOUNCER:This is the sound of you having a great day skiing

AFX: avalanche

ANNOUNCER:This is the sound of the avalanche you did not think you would trigger.

This is when it becomes obvious that you need to take Professor John Kascenska’s Avalanche Level One Course this winter so that you can find out how not to get caught in an avalanche.

You can find out more about Avalanche Level 1 and all the other courses available at